Joanne Siciliano
                            Breastpump Rentals and Sales - helping
                            mothers and babies since 1993
Pumping Tips
  • Unless you received a sterile pack, sterilize the flanges, valves, diaphragms, bottles, and lids in a deep pot of boiling water for 10 minutes prior to first use or use  Micro Steam bags.  After that use hot soapy water or the dishwasher with occasional sterilizing.  NEVER boil the tubing and avoid getting it wet.  After use, Medela pumps should be run for 1-2 minutes with tubing attached and flanges detached to dry any condensation.
  • Every time you pump, start on minimum and gradually work your way to the highest setting that feels comfortable.  Never start on a high setting as this can damage your nipples.  For pumps with speed control, start on maximum and when milk is flowing, adjust to comfort.  Pumping SHOULD NOT HURT!
  • No pump is as good as a baby.  Don't be discouraged if the amount of milk you get is small at first.  Pumping takes practice.  Amounts vary at different times for different reasons and what you pump does not always reflect what you are producing.  It can take a week to get used to a pump and various factors influence effectiveness.
  • Much of pumping is in your head. DO NOT LOOK AT THE BOTTLES!  Try to relax as much as possible during pumping.   Look at your phone, watch TV,  or have someone rub your feet or shoulders.   Away from baby, bring a picture, a blanket or article of baby's clothing along to help with letdown.   Some moms record their baby's cry or happy noises and listen to these while pumping.   Hands free pumping can increase flow as it decreases focusing on pumping.  Ask me about the hands free pumping options.
  • When possible, increase skin-to-skin contact between you and the baby.  This can increase your milk supply.
  • Pump while you are nursing to store milk for later use.  This takes advantage of the baby stimulating the letdown and allows you to fit pumping into your day without too much stress.  Pump one breast while the baby is nursing on the other.  When the baby is finished the first side, switch the baby and the pump.  Don’t worry.  The baby will still get plenty of milk!  
  • When you and baby are separated, double pump.  This increases prolactin levels and maximizes milk production.  Pump for at least 10 minutes regardless of output.  Drink plenty of fluids and keep healthy snacks available. Hydration is key to an adequate milk supply.  Eat or drink just before or during pumping.
  • No one can predict with certainty how much milk the baby will take.  It is best to store the milk in small portions of 2-4 ounces to minimize waste and speed thawing.  Always date the milk and when using frozen, use the oldest first.  Once the baby has been drinking the bottle, leftover milk must be discarded.  Keeping several different size bottles available in the freezer is also helpful so that the caregiver has different amounts to offer at different times
  • A good rule of thumb is that in 24 hrs, babies take in approximately2.5 ounces of milk for every pound they weigh.
  • Solids should not replace breast milk or formula in the first year.  They are considered a supplement to, not a substitute for your milk.
  • If you are having problems GET HELP as soon as possible. 
  • Helpful websites with accurate information: or La Leche League 
Joanne Siciliano Breastpump Rentals and Sales
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